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Join Us In Finding Our New Rector

The Steps to Find Our New Rector

Since the retirement of Fr. Dan, the search committee has been hard at work. We wanted to share the many steps in this process to find our next full-time Priest.

Listening:  Thanks to all who participated in this part of our search. Our consultant, Fr. Aaron Gerlach, led a great exercise to help clarify our culture and what we want in our next priest. It is extremely difficult to narrow down one characteristic from a list of 40 that is most important in our next priest. We appreciate the conversations we have had with many of you. We also reviewed the key findings from the Strategic Plan listening sessions.

Prepare to Cast Net: In this step, the search committee writes two key documents. The national Office of the Transition Ministry provides a questionnaire (OTM) focused on key topics including our liturgical style, what we have initiated in the past five years, and how we deal with change. This form also provides the salary and benefits we are offering for a new priest. The second key document is the Parish Profile. This photo-filled document tells our story and what is important to us as a parish. We are also making sure our website is up-to-date and reflects our vitality. Once all of this is completed, we can officially post the position for a new priest with the Office of Transition Ministry.

Review Applicants: Interested priests submit their names to the Diocese, which help make sure there are no background issues with each applicant. Then the applicants submit a written application, similar to the OTM document the search committee completes. Next the search committee reviews all the applications, decides who to interview and develops questions to ask in the interviews.

Interviews: The search committee interviews the candidates, listens to sermons and watches how they conduct services. Thank goodness for Zoom and online services. We may travel to see an applicant and have a few come to see St. Hubert’s. Lastly, the search committee submits one name to the vestry who votes to accept the recommendation.

Transition: The final step is officially hiring the new priest. Then the welcome begins including introducing the new rector and family to the community and helping them relocate. Our new priest will also need to say “good-byes” before packing and moving here. The search committee will assist in the beginning of this new ministry and the welcoming service and party.

Questions? Please contact search Co-chairs Harvey Webster and Jenna Bing.

Our Search Profile

The Search Profile: Discovering Our New Rector

View our digital search profile for an insight into the qualities and attributes we seek in our new rector at St. Hubert’s Episcopal Church. We aim to create a welcoming and inclusive community where all are embraced. We need a compassionate, dedicated individual who shares our values and vision. Our ideal candidate has strong leadership skills, a deep understanding of Episcopal traditions, and a genuine passion for serving others. They must have a proven track record of nurturing spiritual growth and inclusivity within a diverse congregation. Effective communication, inspiration, and forward-thinking leadership are essential qualities we seek. Join us on this important journey as we explore exciting opportunities for our new rector. Let us continue to flourish in faith, love, and service to our community. All are welcome at St. Hubert’s Episcopal Church.

St. Hubert’s 2023 Strategic Plan

Our Search Committee

New Search Committee Leads the Way for St. Hubert’s Episcopal Church’s Rector Search

Harvey Webster


Retired museum biologist and educator, past senior warden and Vestry member, lifelong parishioner.

Jenna Bing


Retired consumer market researcher, parishioner since 2006.

Tom Matowitz

Retired educator, freelance writer, parishioner since 2017, former Vestry member.

Pam Hutto

Retired educator, Vestry member, parishioner since 2021.

Julie Cox

Marketing Communications Consultant, parishioner since 2003.

Lynn Baird

Upper Elementary Montessori Teacher – Ruffing Montessori School, past Vestry member, parishioner since 2010.

Rick Sippola

CFO / Former vestry member, Senior Warden and Treasurer / Strategic Planning Team, Finance Committee and Chalice Bearer / Parishioner since 1998