8870 Baldwin Road, Kirtland Hills, OH 44060


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Ministry to Others

Outreach Ministries


Thanksgiving Bags
Providing food to families for Thanksgiving.

Bow Blankets for Cleveland Clinic Patients
Making bow blankets for transplant and pediatric patients at CCF.

Christmas Fill the Need
Collecting gifts for needy families at Christmas.

St. James Brown Bag Lunches at 9:00 a.m. on Saturdays:
Join a group at St. Hubert’s to prepare peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and pack healthy lunches for the homeless. One Saturday per month.

Boys Hope Girls Hope of Northeastern Ohio
Under the guidance of Janice Cochrac, St. Hubert’s volunteers will prepare, serve and clean up dinner one Tuesday a month from 4:00-7:00 p.m. If you are able to help following your own work schedule, volunteers starting at 5:30 are also appreciated.

Toiletries for Rene Jones Empowerment Center
Do you travel often? Bring those small hotel toiletries to St. Hubert’s. We will take them to Rene Jones Empowerment Center where they will be shared with those in need, especially those recovering from human trafficking.

Christmas Fill the Need
Collecting gifts for needy families at Christmas.

Back To School Supplies (late summer)
Collecting school supplies to benefit Maple Elementary School in Painesville.

Bow Blankets for Cleveland Clinic Patients
Making bow blankets for transplant and pediatric patients at CCF.

Souper Bowl of Caring (Super Bowl Sunday)
A Youth mission collecting funds for food ministries on the day of the Super Bowl annually. More information about this project available at souperbowl.com

Cookies for College Students (Spring and Fall)
A ministry of baking and shipping of cookies for our college students twice annually.

Sew Wonderful Outreach
Do you sew? The Children in the pediatric unit of the Cleveland Clinic would be grateful for a pair of colorful pajama bottoms with an elastic waistband and a purchased matching T-shirt. St. Hubert’s provides the fabric, pattern and instructions and the T-shirt. All you do is sew!

Toilet Paper Collection for Food Pantry
St. Andrew Episcopal Church in Mentor operates a food pantry with high need for non-food items. Toilet paper is their #1 need. A collection box is located in the Entry Closet.