8870 Baldwin Road, Kirtland Hills, OH 44060


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Flowers For The Altar

Enhance Our Worship Atmosphere

Make A Flower Donation

Flowers enhance our worship atmosphere in a very special way. Thank you for your donation!

Particular flower requests will be honored when possible.

You may send your donation of $60 for each date requested directly to St. Hubert’s, or the Parish Administrator will send you a letter requesting your donation following your date(s).

Please use a separate entry for each date requested.

If you already have a date on the altar flower schedule, it is not necessary to complete this form for that date. You will remain on the schedule as you have been. If you would like additional dates, please do complete the form at right for each of those dates.

Please click the submit button to send in your request.

Thank you!

St. Hubert?s Flower Committee

Flowers for the Altar

Once you select which type of request this is, please complete the following sentences appropriately. Your statement will appear in the Sunday Bulletin unless you indicate otherwise:

7 + 8 =