Our History
Five Pillars Guide Us On Our Faith Journey
Our church has had a consistent set of core beliefs which have made St. Hubert’s what it is today and are the pillars upon which our future mission is built. Together they spell C-R-O-S-S
Congregational Development
Our parish family fosters a vibrant commitment to living out the mission of St. Hubert’s. Fellowship is the common denominator that drives our events: Coffee hour, Holy Week dinners, educational discussions and celebrating our High School Graduates.
Resource Stewardship
The congregation shepherds its gifts of time, talent and treasure and shares them for the benefit of others. The congregation takes pride in its facilities as a resource for mission and ministry. This includes the river front and ground, as well as our historic building. An annual Stewardship campaign is held with a large percentage of the parish pledging. Periodic fundraising endeavors enhance our ability to serve more people and remind us of our call to be good stewards of God’s creation.
The Christian ministry of St. Hubert’s is extended to enrich the experience for all. Several programs take place annually, monthly or weekly to provide needed services to the community and our parish family. Brown bag lunches are prepared, always including homemade cookies, for the Painesville homeless. Weekly meals are prepared for scholars at Boy’s Hope, Girl’s Hope. Weekly tutoring sessions led by parishioners enrich young children learning their 3 R’s at Maple Elementary in Painesville. For our parishioners, a “Casseroles for Christ” program delivers meals to those who are ill and to families with a newborn.
School supplies for children and needed clothing and gifts at Christmas are provided through our Caring Tree.
A group of quilters was formed in Cleveland with the assistance of St. Hubert’s. Bow blankets and pajama bottoms are made for patients at Cleveland Clinic in their pediatric and transplant units. “Thanksgiving Dinner in a Bag” is provided to needy families in Cleveland as well. These are just a few of the outreach programs that are successful endeavors.
Spiritual Growth
We encourage our parishioners to strengthen their relationship with Christ and one another. The Book of Common Prayer guides our services. Holy Communion is celebrated on Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. All are welcome to participate at the table. Special Feast days are celebrated including Christmas Eve, Feast of the Epiphany, and Holy Week. Healing services are held throughout the year.
St. Hubert’s Traditions
We build for the future without losing sight of the past. Our congregation worships in the Episcopal tradition. Our church is located on the banks of the East Branch of the Chagrin River, and the river has always played an important role in our church life.
A Brief History
St. Hubert’s Episcopal Church is nestled amidst natural splendor, and has a quiet, abiding spirit. Through this place, we find renewal, courage, inspiration, and hope. We also reach out in service to the community and the world.
The church has a rich and interesting history. On July 9, 1893, it was dedicated and named The Church of the Transfiguration and was located on Little Mountain. Twenty-three years later, it was moved to Salida Beach in Mentor-on-the-Lake and sat on the grounds of the Holliday House for girls, a summer recreational facility. It was closed in 1925.
The church was moved to its present location, dedicated and renamed St. Hubert’s on June 2, 1929. The framework of the main chapel, the stained glass windows, and the bell sustained the move.
Initially the church was a summer chapel, open four months of the year. Year round services began at St. Hubert’s in 1970.
Our Mission Statement
The Journey Inward, The Journey Outward; “To know Christ and make Him Known”
St. Hubert’s Episcopal Church seeks to know Christ and make Him known in ourselves, in our parish life, and through outreach and empowerment within our community and the world.
To be models of love, hope and witness as God’s one holy, catholic and apostolic Church;
To be prayerful in worship, fellowship, education, and spiritual growth in the Anglican tradition;
To be responsible stewards of God’s Creation, all that he has given us, reflected by offering our time, talent and treasure;
To be mindful and committed to God’s vision for His Church;
To manifest the Gospel through ministries that reach out to the community and build up God’s Church.
Saint Hubert
St. Hubert was born about 656AD the eldest son of a Duke. He delighted in feasting and drinking as well as hunting. Legend says Hubert was converted one Good Friday when hunting while others were in church. He saw a white stag with a flaming cross between his antlers and a voice spoke to him instructing him to turn to the Lord. Hubert renounced his worldly goods and in time became a Bishop. Upon his death in 727 he was canonized.